Tuesday, October 30, 2007

911 - conspiracies and debunkers

It is my hope that I can help other get up to speed on the 9/11 conspiracy issues quickly. I say "quickly" in the sense that it will still take several hours to understand both sides of the issue and make up your mind in an educated way. If this sounds like a "waste of time", or if you're "too busy", then please don't try. Half-hearted won't work. Otherwise, what you'll end up with is just support for your own opinion (and there is plenty of support on both sides) instead of a balanced view. The information is out there -- check it out for yourself.

9/11 Commission Report, the US government-initiated independent investigation
- official condensed summary, or full report

Conspiracy Theories
Steve Jones (BYU professor, 130 minutes, YouTube)
Loose Change (80 minutes, YouTube)

Conspiracy Debunkers
Popular Mechanics

Now you know some facts. It's time to ask yourself some deep questions. Where's the conspiracy? Who are the loonies? Where's the truth? What does the truth imply?

(I intend on updating this page in the near future.)